Making Church Accessible

At Viewpark Parish Church we are committed to doing our best to make our building and all our activities as accessible as we can.

As part of our efforts, we have a box as you enter the church, that contains a bunch of bags which each contain ear defenders, fidget toys and an emotions chart. These are free to borrow for anyone who is in the building for any activity.

We can also provide a visual timetable for activities and/or photos of the inside and outside of our building. An example of a storyboard we’ve previously provided is below:

We are always happy to turn up or down music and lights to help make spaces easier to access and can also provide a quiet space for anyone who needs some time alone.

If there is anything else, we can do to make you or your child’s visit to our church easier please do let us know and we will do our very best to help.

Serving God – Serving People