Safeguarding Training

In 2024 The Church of Scotland Presbytery of Forth Valley and Clydesdale is continuing to hold free online Introductory Safeguarding Training.

All who undertake regulated work (paid or voluntary) with children or vulnerable adults, and who have not completed Safeguarding Training in the last 5 years, are required to do so.

The priority for our trainers is to be on Introductory Training for all those engaged in regulated work as well as Advanced training, which safeguarding coordinators and panel members should also attend.

Please see below three more Introductory Safeguarding Training dates in June. It is important that if you have any new volunteers who are undertaking a PVG check for holiday clubs for example, that they attend the training.

  • Monday 3rd June – 7pm – Online Zoom
  • Tuesday 11th June – 7pm – East Kilbride, Moncreiff
  • Wednesday 19th June – 7pm – Airdrie, Cairnlea

Book a space here:

If these dates do not suit, I encourage you to look at the Church of Scotland training site: as there may be a suitable training there.

If at anytime you would like to discuss any safeguarding issues, please do not hesitate to contact me on:
Email: or
Mobile: 0771-040-6666

Mary Docherty
Safeguarding Officer

Serving God – Serving People