The 1st Viewpark Company was founded on the 15th September 1951. Enrolling on that evening with Mr Jack MacGregor Captain, 6 Lieutenants, a Warrant Officer, 3 Staff Sergeants and 23 Boys.Since then the Company has always met on Thursday evening.
On 8th November 1951 the 1st Viewpark were enrolled into Motherwell Battalion, and a loan of £40 was granted by the Church and repaid from the Company’s first BB Week when the total raised was £50 and two shillings. A successful inspection and display marked the end of the first session.
The Company’s first Camp was a joint one with 1st Belshill Company at Troon. Camp dues were: Officers £3 & 5 Shillings Sergeants £2 & 15 shillings and Boys £2 & 10 shillings . Later camps were at Helmsdale, Millport and Ramsey, Isle Of Man.
The lifeboy team was started on 25th September 1952, Leader-in-Charge Mr J Bald.

1954 was the Company’s first entry into the Motherwell Battalion Drill Cup Competition, (20 Boys in Squad, drilling in fours) where we finished 4th equal. During the period 1955-1960 the cup was won by us on 5 occasions.The Company’s first band was a Silver Band and was formed in 1960 and was successful for a number of years leading parades in the District. It was eventually disbanded in the early 70’s.
Mr MacGregor resigned after a most successful term as Captain at the end of the session 1961/62. Mr Andrew West was appointed Captain by the Kirk Session.
The Company continued to be active in Motherwell Battalion where Companies were keenly competitive. The only notable successes were intermediate Football in 1966 and Cross Country in 1972. We formed a second Company Band in 1974, this time a Bugle band which was successful and popular in it’s time.

In 1969 the Belshill and District Companies formed their own Battalion, with the 1st Viewpark participating in all aspects. In 1978 the Bugle Band was superseded by a Flute Band which competed most successfully in the Scottish BB Band Contest.
Company Camps were under canvas, each year from 1964 to 1991 at various sites throughout the UK including Guernsey in the Channel Islands.
1997 Belshill and District Battalion disbanded as it was unable to meet the new criteria of a Battalion and 1st Viewpark Company was invited and willingly accepted an invitation to joint Airdrie Coatbridge & District Battalion, and again continues to be a competitive Company in this area.
Mr Andrew West resigned as Captain in 1999 after 37 years, ending 40 years association with the Company. Andrew continued his BB work thoughbeing heavily involved in Battalion work.


Mr Jim Penman took over the reigns as captain and has continued the good work ensuring that both the Junior and Company Sections have won their respective Challenge Trophies under his tenure.